Green Film Tourism - strona główna


Lista wpisów

Film as the base for creating new tourist attractions

Film as the base for creating new tourist attractions

The dynamics of social, cultural, and technological changes are inexorable. In the near future, it may turn out that unique tourist values are simply not enough to persuade a tourist to visit.

A partner meeting at the Provincial House of Culture in Rzeszów

A partner meeting at the Provincial House of Culture in Rzeszów

September 16-17, 2021 The Subcarpathian Film Commission at the Provincial House of Culture in Rzeszów hosted a partnership meeting in terms of the GreenFilmToursim project, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund - Interreg Polska-Slovakia

3, 2, 1… start! Discover GreenFilmTourism

3, 2, 1… start! Discover GreenFilmTourism

It's time for new inspirations! If you like to be on the road and explore new locations, we kindly inform you that thanks to the GreenFilmTourism project you have the opportunity to look at the Polish-Slovak borderland through the eyes of filmmakers


  • Logotyp - ARR
  • Logotyp - rarr
  • Logotyp - wdk
  • Logotyp - pkf
  • Logotyp - mck sokół
  • Logotyp - RPIC Presov
  • Logotyp - IPC
  • Logotyp - Bielsko-Biała
  • Logotyp - podkarpackie
  • Logotyp - Rzeszów
  • Logotyp - Małopolska
  • Logotyp - Herb kraju preszowskiego
  • Logotyp - Herb kraju żylińskiego
  • Logotyp - Herb kraju koszyckiego

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